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Latest News, Upcoming Live/Webinar Workshops for CE credits, articles, and more!

Latest News, Upcoming Live/Webinar Workshops for CE credits, articles, and more!

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IICS is excited to welcome new students from Uganda, Alaska, North Carolina and more!


In this Issue


* Upcoming Workshops 


* Specialty Certifications

-Sexuality and Disabilities

-Transgender Care


* Student Corner


* Sex on the Scene


* Article by Dr. Carol Clark: "Does It Make Sense?"



* Why Does God Let this Happen?

* Addict America
* My Pocket Therapist-12 Tools for Living in Connection

* IICS Merchandise


‍Upcoming Workshops!

Scroll down for Free Classes!!!


Understanding ChemSex

July 26, 2024

9:30am - 12:30pm EDT

Chemsex, the use of methamphetamine, GHB/GBL and other drugs in combination with sexual behaviors, is a significant global problem, especially among men who have sex with men (MSM). It is one of the most significant factors affecting new HIV infections and poor antiretroviral medication adherence. Chemsex instills false

confidence and a sense of interpersonal connection, along with heightened sexual desire. 

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Fawcett

3 CE Credit Hours $99

My Kinda Kink : Check your bias

August 21, 2024

11am - 6pm EDT

 This course provides an in-depth exploration of students; biases, identities, boundaries, and limitations as aspiring sexologists working with the Kink/BDSM community. Participants will engage in reflective exercises to uncover their own biases and assumptions regarding BDSM practices and lifestyles. Additionally, participants will develop strategies for promoting inclusivity, cultural competency, and affirmative care practices within their chosen work. By fostering self-awareness and sensitivity, this course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide competent and affirming care to individuals within the Kink/BDSM community.

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Yulinda Renee Rahman

5 CE Credit Hours $159

Free Classes! 

Check out our program

(One class of your choice)

Additional classes: $245 for 5CEs

July 20, 2024 or July 27, 2023

Sex Offender Therapy 

9am-3pm EST


This course will focus on 1) defining the types of sex offenders as per the DSM 5; 2) defining the legal definitions related to sex offending; 3) recognizing the differing dynamics and underlying motives related to stranger rape, acquaintance rape, child molestation, incest, sexual harassment, sex addiction and paraphilias; 4) best treatment practice according to the type of offense, including cognitive-behavioral, trauma intervention, medical, and group therapy; 5) assessment and treatment of the family of a sex offender; and 6) developing and implementing a treatment plan for sex offenders under supervision.


Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Carol Clark

August 3, 2024

Interaction between Sexuality and Dynamics of Interpersonal & Family Relationships

9am-3pm EST


This course will focus on 1) the various theories about love, attraction and attachment, i.e.: Sternberg, Lee, Gottman, and the brain chemistry of attraction; 2) how cultural and social influences determine and impact relationships and family structures; 3) strategies for communication and negotiation in relationships and how to implement therapeutic interventions with couples and families; 4) how sexual orientation, transgenderism, sex addiction, and alternative lifestyles impact family relationships; and 5) how sex becomes the presenting problem in relationships while hiding underlying issues, including lack of intimacy and/or control.

September 7, 2024 or September 14, 2024

Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions and


9am-3pm EST


This course will review the differing diagnoses and the underlying characteristics that will determine treatment. It will cover different treatment interventions based on nature of the disorder and dysfunction and students will learn to be able to effectively implement behavioral, cognitive, and trauma interventions according to individual cases. It will discuss how to incorporate risk reduction into any therapeutic intervention.

Sexuality & Disabilities Therapy

This comprehensive certification program will enable sexuality educators, counselors, and therapists to work with clients as they confront discrimination and accessibility challenges with respect to sexual/gender identity, intimacy, and sexual expression.


 -The program will be taught through the lenses of disability rights and disability justice, orienting students to the broad range of sexuality related challenges that can occur for people with disabilities across the lifespan. 


The program is meant for both seasoned practitioners seeking more disability focused training and early career sexuality practitioners seeking specialization in disability-focused care.


Classes will begin on Sunday, July 21, 2024 through May 18, 2025 from 11 am until 6 pm EST. There will be 10 in total.


Supervision will be held before each class from 10am -11am.



Transgender Training Program


 September 26-29, 2024 (Part 1) &

October 24-27, 2024 (Part 2)


Therapy Certification Training offers a comprehensive Transgender Training Program that fully prepares therapists and other healthcare providers to provide care to transgender and gender diverse people. This Transgender Training program follows the WPATH Standards of Care and offers CE Credit Hours from various boards.

Call us or register today and earn your Transgender Training certification as a Transgender Care Therapist or Professional.


Therapists and Professionals may take this two part, 56-hour training program  for a COST OF $2,900.00.  Four hours of follow-up case consultation will be required and is included in the cost of the program.


What some of our students say


"I think this is the best course that I have attended. The passion of the team members, speakers, videos, and panels are very impressive. I really loved Jessica’s story; her honesty, perspective and passion. She opens her heart and make us see beyond. We just hope that we can help our Veterans with the same dedication and enthusiasm."



"Wow! I am learning so much so far. I can't believe how much material there is to cover about gender affirming care. I've never considered all the variables that go along with being transgender or non-binary. Everything was excellent. I really liked having families come in, medical guest speakers, and gender diverse individuals."
-Mary Ann S


"Very informative and applicable to my current practice as an RN in an Emergency Dept, and to my practice as a PMHNP. Supervision is very valuable, and not something we do in nursing. I learned new things in all aspects of this training. Most importantly: categories of identity including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and biological gender. I will be more confident in my practice addressing all of these categories Dr. WIlliams was awesome (identify with him, cause he's an NP."

-Catherine Spaid, CA- February 2024


"INCREDIBLE TRAINING!!! This has been the most well-planned, informative, and effective type of training webinar I have ever attended. The presenters and speakers have expertise and experiences that need to be shared and taught about. The climate of this country is calling a huge need for Transgender Care. I can safely say that people who undergo this training will be better mental and medical professionals tenfold."

-Morgan Evans , New Jersey

  Alumni Achievements Spotlight:

Rebecca Rosenblat's

Groundbreaking TEDx Talk


    We are thrilled to highlight the remarkable achievements of alumna Rebecca Rosenblat, whose TED Talk, "Female Sexuality: Breaking Down Taboos," has garnered widespread acclaim and sparked vital conversations on a global scale.


     Rebecca, a renowned psychotherapist and sexologist, courageously addresses the often-taboo subject of female sexuality, challenging societal norms and dispelling pervasive myths. Her insightful and empowering presentation emphasizes the importance of comprehensive sex education, open dialogue, and the celebration of female sexual pleasure without guilt or shame.


     Rebecca's ability to combine scientific evidence with personal anecdotes creates a compelling narrative that resonates deeply with audiences. Her call for the creation of safe spaces for women to discuss their sexual experiences and advocate for their needs is a testament to her dedication to fostering a more inclusive and enlightened understanding of human sexuality.


     We applaud Rebecca Rosenblat for her fearless advocacy and groundbreaking work, which continues to inspire and empower women worldwide. Her contributions exemplify the spirit of innovation and leadership that our alumni community strives for.


‍Therapeutic BDSM:

An Alternative Form of Healing

Unlike any other academic book on the market, Dr. Yulinda Renee Rahman, aka Doc Yu Roc, weaves academic research, humor, and personal pieces of her story together to bring you something that is uniquely her.


Therapeutic BDSM: An alternative form of healing is a follow-up to Dr. Yulinda Renee Rahman's book A Power Exchange with Your Pain: A Guide Towards Reconciliation with SELF, where the concept of "Therapeutic BDSM" was introduced.


‍Understanding Sexual Addiction 

w/ Board Certified Sex & Addiction Therapist Dr. Carol Clark

‍.    In this episode of the In Search of More podcast hosted by Eliyahu Nash with special guest Dr. Carol Clark, they explore the pervasive nature of addiction in America, linking it to childhood trauma and negative messages from authority figures. She highlights that addiction can manifest through various behaviors, including sex, alcohol, drugs, and pornography. Dr. Clark emphasizes the importance of recognizing sex addiction as a valid condition and underscores that recovery is about rebuilding connections. She also delves into the evolution of the 12-step program, its relevance to different addictive behaviors, and the need for supportive communities. Additionally, Dr. Clark discusses the isolating nature of pornography addiction, her personal experiences, and her new book on finding meaning and connection through life's challenges.

The Best Sex Positions For People Over 60, According To Sex Experts



You can't put an age limit on good sex.

Does It Make Sense?

by Dr. Carol Clark


The world today seems to have gone radically irrational. We are so polarized about

everything that critical thinking is almost nonexistent, and everyone is just

spouting the latest soundbites from whatever media they subscribe to without

giving a real thought to what they are truly saying.


So, here’s a soundbite: The biggest motivator of human behavior is the need to

belong to the group.


This is actually a survival mechanism rooted deep in our limbic systems. We are

social creatures who need to belong to a group in order to survive. That was true a

few million years ago and, for different reasons, it’s true now. As a group, we

depend on our governmental systems to provide our infrastructure – business,

social, environmental, and physical. As individuals, we rely on our family, social,

and community support systems for our emotional well-being.


The problem is, that this need leads to us being easily exploited. All someone has

to do is tap into our fear of being excluded from the group, or being unsafe, and

then tell us that they will take care of us and alleviate that fear, and we belong to

them. In fact, politicians, business people, and cult leaders will create something

for us to fear, tell us they will fix it, and we will follow them forever.


This is true whether it’s an ad telling us we smell bad and need to buy a particular

product to smell better; a politician telling us that a particular group is going to

take away our freedom, livelihood, safety, etc.; or a charismatic leader who tells us

that he has the all the answers and that we will go to hell if we don’t follow him.


Why do we fall for this so easily? Because when fear is activated in the limbic

system, our prefrontal cortex (thinking, reasoning, and rational part of the brain)

shuts down. We literally can’t think.


Again, this is keyed into basic survival. If we are in actual danger, our survival

brain needs to react immediately, without thinking, or we could be killed. That is

not the case with the manipulations of those who want to control us, however.


So, what can we do? We can ask, “Does this make sense?”


When you are listening to the news, to a politician, to anyone who telling you

“facts” so you will act in accordance with them, first ask, “Does this make sense?”


Does it make sense that every person trying to escape intolerable conditions in

their own country and come into the U.S. is a rapist and criminal?


Does it make sense that, despite more than 50 years of scientific study, man-made

climate change does not exist?

Does it make sense that someone who espouses hatred and violence follows a

religion that teaches the opposite?


When I teach a Research class, I focus on reading research articles critically and

questioning all statistics. Who did the research? What were their biases? Who

funded the research? Who was in the research sample? What was the hypothesis

and was it supported? What were the limitations of the study?


Help bring some sanity back into an insane world. Be an informed consumer of

information and make up your own mind.


Be a light of reason in the darkness of fear!


Be In Light,



Dr. Carol Clark's books now out as AUDIOBOOKS!

Why Does God Let This Happen?:

The Meaning of Life


"This book offers an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of God,

science, and human connection. What truly sets this work apart is Dr.
Clark's skillful intertwining of spirituality and scientific inquiry,
revealing the intricate tapestry where these seemingly disparate worlds
meet. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to delve deeper into the nexus of
faith and science. It's a journey into the heart of what it means to be
human in a world governed by both divine mysteries and scientific wonders."


-Dr. April Young, LMHC, CST- Owner Young Psychotherapy, PLLC

 "DrCarol Clark, one of the bravest humans I know, connects spirituality

with healing work for both clinicians and the people they serve. Her book
"Why does God let this happen: The Meaning of Life" blends her passion for
spirituality with science into an easy to understand conversation of
personal depth and significance."

-Rev. Glen Maiden Phd, DMin, Pastoral Counselor



Addict AmericaThe Lost Connection

We're proud to announce that Dr. Clark's seminal work Addict America: The Lost Connection is finally available in audiobook format! After a lot of hard work you can finally hear The Lost Connection read by Dr. Clark's friend and professional voice artist Paula Barros. Now it's even easier than ever to learn how addictive behavior affects the human brain and causes the disconnections we experience with our families, friends, and co-workers in a profound, eye-opening manner. Dr. Clark’s groundbreaking book takes current addiction theory down a new path and Paula Barros brings it to life in a whole new way. Check out these reviews and find the audiobook on Amazon below!


- Brittany Edge, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

"This is a go-to-book for students of addiction treatment as well as those interested in the related sociological problems that both support and maintain the problem."


- Dr. Rob Weiss

My Pocket Therapist 

12 Tools for Living in Connection

Therapy is great and can improve your life tremendously. It can also be time-consuming and expensive, and often what you learn in one hour a week is easily forgotten between sessions.


MY POCKET THERAPIST contains simple tools to use daily so you can live a more joyful and balanced life in Connection with your family and friends. You will also experience a greater awareness of your Connection with the universal life force as you shift from being stuck in the past or worrying about the future to feeling grounded in the present.

Clinical Sexology Education

Our classes, whether in person or via webinar, are fully interactive and you will learn from experienced instructors, videos, and guest experts. Group case consultation is held after Saturday classes. Paired supervision/case consultation is scheduled at the consultant’s and students’ convenience.

We know you will enjoy this learning experience as you become an expert in the field of Clinical Sexology!



IICS My Sexology PhD Rocks Mug!!



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