Writing and publishing a book has been like having a baby. There is the conception, the gestation, and the birthing process. And just like having a baby, it doesn’t end there. That new being has the basic software but now it needs to grow and develop and take on a life of its own. Already that is happening with my book, Addict America: The Lost Connection. It is barely out of the womb and already new ideas are emerging and the basic concepts are developing. It is difficult to resist the urge to incorporate into the book all of these new thoughts springing out of my consciousness, which would only delay indefinitely the final publication. I am therefore going to use this blog and other mediums to build on the ideas incorporated in Addict America. I am going to nurture and care for this baby and help it grow and mature and become something greater than I ever imagined. I invite you to join me in this – let my thoughts and experiences written throughout the pages be the catalyst for your own creative process. Just as everyone who views a piece of art or hears a strain of music will give it their own interpretation even while the art or music Connects them to others sharing the encounter, Connect with us all and share in the growing. Write now how something in the book took seed and grew for you. Tell us how you found new meaning in my words. Share your insights so we can all grow together.
Be In Light
Dr. Carol