STTI Online Registration - Full Course

Program Title: Certification in Sex Therapy, Clinical Sexology, and Human Sexuality

CE Credit Hours: 160

Case Consultation hours:

  • Ten hours of Group Case Consultation
  • Ten hours of Individual Case Consultation

Total Program Cost $8,650.00
Monthly payments after $700 deposit = $662.5

Books and course materials are purchased by the student and are not included in the Tuition/Fee Schedule.

Admission Requirements

All students entering the Sex Therapy Training Institute must meet the following admission requirements:

The STTI application must be filled out completely. The student will submit the completed application with a driver’s license, curriculum vitae, and copy of professional license or registration. The professional license or registration must be in a healthcare services field.

STTI’s method of assessing a student’s ability to successfully complete the course of study for which he or she has applied will be based on the following:

  1. A completed Online Application for Admission (A PDF copy may be downloaded from the website or requested via email if you prefer).
  2. A deposit of $700 which is applied towards the total tuition. (You will be redirected to our shopping cart once you submit this application).
  3. Copy of Driver's License, Alien Registration Card (permanent resident) or Passport.
  4. Verification (official transcript or diploma) of an earned Bachelor Degree and a Master’s Degree from a College or University accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or equivalent from country in which the student practices OR Copy of Professional License.
  5. Current resume/vitae.
  6. An interview with Admissions Personnel.

All applications will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. An unsuccessful applicant may reapply after 6 months.

Terms of Payment and Tuition Fees

Students have several payment options. Whichever they choose, the entire program must be paid in full in order to receive the degree and/or transcripts.

  1. The entire program may be paid in full at the time of enrollment or balance may be paid in full at any time.
  2. Each segment may be paid individually, in full.
  3. Students may negotiate, at the time of registration, a weekly, monthly, or quarterly payment plan.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

A student may withdraw from the program prior to taking any classes and will be refunded all tuition paid. Withdrawal must be made in person, via email with “Read Confirmation” or via Certified Mail.

If a student withdraws after beginning classes, tuition in the amount of $47 per classroom hour will be due to STTI. Any moneys paid in excess of this will be refunded. If a student withdraws prior to completion of Case Consultation, fees in the amount of $50 per hour will be due to STTI. Fees paid in excess of that amount will be refunded.

Students may be terminated from the program by the STTI Board for just cause as described under the Student’s responsibility section. Refunds in this case will be the same as student withdrawals.

Textbooks are the property of the student and are not subject to refund.

Termination or Cancellation by the Institute or Student

Rights and Responsibilities

Students have the right to:

  • All statutory rights – laws passed by Congress, privacy right-information in students’ records, and protection from improper disclosures; civil or federal right – right secured under the federal constitution or federal civil right law (freedom of expression, assembly).
  • Make their own academic decisions.
  • Access adequate academic advising.
  • Quality instruction and/or educational experiences.
  • Access to the instructor throughout each course.
  • Information regarding application procedures.
  • Information regarding tuition, fees, refund policies and procedures.
  • Information regarding how satisfactory academic progress is determined.

Students have the responsibility to:

  • Pay all tuition, fees, and other expenses.
  • Comply with the Student Conduct Policy
  • Be aware of the educational objectives of the institution, comprehend the STTI evaluation criteria, and maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • Conduct their academic affairs honestly. Students will not cheat, plagiarize, falsify their academic records, or otherwise misrepresent their work.
  • Take appropriate action when informed of grade deficiencies.
  • Know their due-process guarantees and understand the appeals procedures.

Students may withdraw from the Institute at any time. Financial obligations in the event of withdrawal are described in the “Cancellation and Refund Policy” in the STTI Catalogue.

Students may be terminated from the Institute for the following reasons:

  • Failure to maintain contracted payment schedule.
  • Failure to maintain minimum academic requirements (see “Grading System” in the STTI Catalogue).
  • Non-adherence to any student responsibilities.

Employment Placement Services

STTI will make available to students a list of institutions, agencies, and other venues where their services as Clinical Sexologists may be of value. STTI will not place students for employment.

STTI does not guarantee any job placement. STTI does not promise or imply any specific market or job availability amounts.


This contract contains the entire agreement between the Sex Therapy Training Institute and myself, and no further modification or representation except as herein expressed in writing will be recognized.

Notice to Prospective Students

Do not submit this contract before you have read it or if it contains any blank spaces below.

If you are registering for the PhD program in Clinical Sexology please visit

First Name *
Email Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Contact Number *
Professional Education - List all Degrees *
How did you hear about us? *
Last Name *
Street Address *
State *
Country *
Professional License Number
License and Certification - List all that apply

Please upload documents in PDF, doc or docx (Microsoft Word) format. Documents larger than 5MB should be uploaded in a ZIP format. If you have some other document type, please create a ZIP file for upload. Images for drivers license should be jpg, png or in a ZIP file.


Resume or CV
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Professional license or Certification
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Driver’s license
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files

For all students seeking Board Certification:

I understand that all of these credits may be applied towards certification by the Therapist Certification Association.

  • 160 education hours
  • 13 group case supervision hours
  • 10 individual/paired supervision hours

I understand that if I do not complete the program, I will be responsible for the individual class fee for those classes I attend. I further understand that I will be required to complete an evaluation for each class I attend in order to get credit for that class. If I am licensed in Florida, STTI will be responsible for uploading my credit hours to CE Broker. I understand that this certification does not qualify for NBCC credit.

In addition to attending all classes, I understand that I will need to complete 10 hours of group case consultation and 10 hours of individual case consultation to earn my certification. These hours may be with Dr. Clark or I will submit my records from another qualified supervisor. I understand that I may not begin my case consultation hours if my account is in arrears.

I understand that STTI upholds the Code of Ethical Standards of several organizations, including the basic tenets for ethical standards at the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists and the Florida Department of Health, Division of Medical Quality Assurance, 490, 491, and 464 Boards. I agree to abide by these ethical standards and those of my own licensing board.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.


Payment Agreement*
$700 Down Payment - $662.50 Monthly Payments
Agreement of Contract*
This Agreement Constitutes a Binding Contract between You the Student and the Sex Therapy Training Institute upon acceptance by STTI.

Click here to view Continuing Education provided by Dr. Carol L. Clark & Therapy Certification Training
All Board approvals of CE Credit Hours are for CEs ONLY, not certifications.
Only the Therapist Certification Association Board may certify graduates of our certification programs:
Therapy Certification Training Logo
Aasect Approved CE Provider Logo
The Florida Certification Board Logo
The Florida Board of Nursing Logo
The Florida Board of Psychology Logo
 Frequently Asked Questions  The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Logo
NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider Logo
National Board of  Forensic Evaluators Logo

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205
Miami Shores | FL 33138
(305) 891-1827

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