Certified Sex Offender Therapist Program FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q - What is a Sex Offender Therapist

A - Therapist working and interested in working in this field will be providing services to individuals who have sexually acted out in an inappropriate manner. The title itself can be deceiving as not every individual referred will be a “sex offender” as defined legally. The sex offender therapist should be prepared to work with individuals and their families in a broader sense; such as,

    1. Healthy Sexuality
    2. Sexual Contact with Animals
    3. Sexual Contact with Children (adult and child on child cases)
    4. Incest
    5. Sexual Contact with Other Family Members
    6. Sexual Assault and Battery
    7. Child Pornography
    8. Prostitution
    9. Sexting
    10. and other inappropriate sexual behaviors

Q - How are clients referred to treatment?

A - The vast majority will be court ordered to attend and are referred through probation. The minority may be referred from Children’s Services, Diversion Programs (court or state attorney), and Civil Court.

    1. If you are in private practice, some individuals who have finished probation may seek you out for continued services.
    2. Attorney’s both for Prosecution and Defense may refer individuals for forensic evaluations.

Please note- The nature of sex offending will almost always lead to a report to children services and/or law enforcement. The expectation of working with this population should be understood clearly. 90 % of this population, if not more, will be mandated by an entity.

Q - Should I already be working with sex offenders before taking this program?

A - No. While it is not necessary for therapists to be actively working with Sexual Offenders, it may be helpful. Each State has its own requirements in order to hold oneself out as a qualified practitioner to work with Sex Offenders. For example, The State of Florida requires 2000 post degree hours of supervision. The initial 50, a qualified supervisor must be present during the evaluation/risk assessment or treatment. All 2000 hours must be with sexual offenders. It is important to know what your State requires.

Q - If I live in Florida and do not have my 2000 hours, am I still able to work with Sex Offenders? How do I become a  Certified Sex Offender Therapist?

A - Yes. Under supervision. Once you completed your hours, you are no longer required to be supervised.

    1. Please note- There are some Federal Contracts (in Florida) in which you are required to have completed all hours before working with Adult Sex Offenders.


Additional Information

Therapists taking this program will be certified as meeting all Florida Statutorily required classes- Additional Supervision Hours Apply for Florida
If a therapist is coming from another State, they will receive certification having completed the most current researched and evidenced based classes. Therapists who complete this program in its entirety will be a Certified Sex Offender Therapist. It is important to note; Therapists must follow their respective State laws to hold themselves out as a sex offender therapist without supervision.

 * Certifications do not qualify for NBCC credits. 

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 Frequently Asked Questions  The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Logo
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9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205
Miami Shores | FL 33138
(305) 891-1827

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