This class is designed to teach students to:
Demonstrate the ability to comfortably discuss sex and the reproductive system.
Identify and briefly describe the internal and external female reproductive anatomy.
Describe the structure and function of the internal and external male sexual anatomy.
Identify and describe the internal male organs, and the processes of sperm production and ejaculation.
Describe pubertal changes in males and females.
List the clinical issues related to intersex conditions and describe the challenges people face.
Describe the physiological changes during sexual arousal and response, differentiate between the Masters and Johnson four-phase sexual response cycle and Kaplan’s three-phase cycle of sexual response, and apply to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.
Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to the diagnosis and treatment of physiological problems, including pain disorders.
Describe how pelvic floor disorders affect sexual arousal, infrequent orgasm, and dyspareunia.
Conceptualize and formulate treatment plan for sexual issues related to physiology.
Use an understanding of varying cultural attitudes towards circumcision to identify potential therapeutic concerns.
Describe pros and cons of male circumcision in a cultural context.