The Diagnosis and Treatment of Compulsive Sexual Behavior  (CSBD)

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Compulsive Sexual Behavior (CSBD)

  • Instructor: Dr. Robert Weiss

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The Diagnosis and Treatment of Compulsive Sexual Behavior (CSBD)

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD), long misunderstood and often misdiagnosed, was validated as a mental health disorder by The World Health Organization (The WHO) in 2018. As a result, the ICD-11 (the International Classification of Diseases, rev. 11) now offers a validated research-based clinical diagnoses for this disorder. As the North American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) tends to move in tandem with the ICD over time, we can expect to see a similar diagnosis evolving here in the very near future. In part, the need for such a criteria-based diagnosis has evolved in relationship to the escalating clinical concerns brought about by today’s immediate accessibility and affordability of online porn and other online sexual content.
This frank, comprehensive overview of the etiology, symptoms, and behaviors of CBSD, also known as Problematic Sexual Behavior, will be paired with practical insight and tools for treatment planning, along with client resources, clinical education, and referral information. The relationship between early childhood attachment trauma and adult-challenges with sexual and relational intimacy will also be discussed.
Learning Objectives

  • Attending professionals will be able to describe the etiology of adult repetitive patterns of problematic and compulsive sexual behavior (CSBD), also known as Problematic Sexual Behavior.
  • Attending professionals will be able to identify the three major signs of compulsive sexual behavior in non-offending adults.
  • Participants will be able to utilize practical educational resources for both clinicians and clients.

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